Category: Unclaimed Property

Do I need to escheat shares and certificates for my company to the states?
  • Admin
  • Sep 25, 2023
Company leaders have a number of financial and administrative responsibilities, and escheatment often gets overlooked. It's not as frequently discussed as tax or compliance matters, but failing to und....
Are All Shareholder Payments Escheatable?
  • Admin
  • Sep 25, 2023
The financial responsibilities of issuers don’t end once they distribute payments to their shareholders. Escheatment laws are commonly overlooked but critically important.  This process, which d....
What is Escheatment and How Does it Apply to Issuers?
  • Admin
  • Sep 25, 2023
Escheatment is frequently overlooked but incredibly important in the financial world, including for issuers. Escheatment refers to the legal process where unclaimed property or assets revert to the st....